i saw a lot of you having problems with your MINI35 adapter, especially with vigneting. here is a solution : premiere pro 2 + magic bullet looks plugin.
i know my english is bad .... but the video makes everything ... cut the sound if it's too anoying ^^ but here are my usual settings under magic bullet looks 1.1:
it's easy to use and so user friendly ! as i said before my best investment since i bought the HV20 ! on the footage here i used this settings : all the same exept : - strength : 22% - exposure compensation : +20 - All color at 6 - 8 (depends of the shot)
this is my first post and not my last , in fact i learned a lot of internet and i want to give back all the infos i have! I learn how to build my mini35 adapter , how to use my HV20 and i learned pro techniques such as lights and post prod in AE 6 and PPRO !
over a year ago i decided to build a cinema to shot shorts and stuff : budget : 1000 € !
what's in it ? - HV20ACHR1 - the achromat from daniel's - VH55-gg holder from daniel's ^^ - EEs canon Ground Glass - NIKON 1,4 AI 50mm - 2 canon EOS tubes - all the electronic for the vibrating motor. easy to install !
A GREAT THANK YOU FOR DANIEL ! his products are incredible ! i can't wait to begin to shot my short film in february !
if you have any questions i will answer it
ok ok ! lots of questions here , my english is not that good so please forgive me ...in advance !
first you will have to learn and read a lot ! i mean i'm on it since the 5th of december. and i had study a lot of solutions before choosing this one. you have to know that at the beguining i wanted a brevis or so equal but i cound'nt afford more than a 200€ adapter ... so i decided so buy one of TWOneil here : http://www.hv20.com/showpost.php?p=22160&postcount=1
but i found exiting to build it on my own ! and i wanted an ACHROMAT ! here is my answers to you questions :
1) How much did you pay for the whole thing (except the lens)? It don't want to pay to much for the adapter ...
ok let me count ! 170€ for the achromat and vibrating gg holder from daniels , 20€ for canon eos tubes, and 20€ for the EEs canon screen... 210€ ! shipped. i used a battery LR6 and a few more things but it represents less than 10€
2) Is it important to have the Achromat? What happens if you don't use it?
that's a difficult question ! in fact when you don't use one you have a barrel distortion. (here is a link to explain it to you : http://www.dpreview.com/learn/?/key=barrel+distortion) the fact is that the barrel distortion is not a problem when you don't have a DOF adapter but when you a lot of deep of field the blur will be distorded : the blur will be circular and not just blurry ! that's meaning a less sharpen image and and less precise focus... you will find a lot of samples here , watch and see which adapter is the best for your use.
3) How do you flip the image? Did you do the flip hack? If so - is it hard to do?
i flipped the image in adobe premiere pro , it takes me half a second ! just rotate 180° ... i didn't do the flip hack , don't want to touch the HV20 and loose my warranty. and by the way the "flip hack" rotate your screen on the camera but DO NOT ROTATE the image on the tape !!! be careful with that !
4) How long does it take to flip the stuff in post? (I know, it depends on the computer but that doesn't matter it takes half a second on every computer !!! i mean flip the image takes you half a second in a software such as premiere pro or final cut when you are editing your video. when you export your video from your software : it takes the time of exporting HDV !